Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dream Meanings

I read an article in Time Magazine today about people trying to find meaning from their dreams. The person who wrote the article was saying that it was, and I quote, "a dumb" thing to do. I disagree with this. I usually make a lot of connections with my dreams and my real life, and sometimes it even helps me in some areas. Also, I get the feeling of deja vu quite frequently, so my dreams are obviously connected to my waking life. I feel that if people wish to look for symbols or anything else in their dreams it is not a "dumb" thing to do; it's personal choice like everything else.

1 comment:

  1. So. Dreams. They say if you keep a notebook, a dream journal, by your bed, you're more likely to remember your dreams when you wake. I've found that to be true, though I haven't done that lately.
    Anyway. Dreams are intriguing and they definitely relate to one's daily life.
    Good work.
