Sunday, January 25, 2009

"DC: The 51st State?" from Mother Jones

The article I read in Mother Jones was about the debate going on as to whether or not Washington D.C. is going to become a state. Personally, I am against D.C. gaining statehood mainly because I'm positive the controversy over the matter will go one for years following and our nation has more important things to spend its time on, such as the war on Iraq. Not to mention the possible political power swing the article mentioned, since D.C. is 92% democratic. Also, what some may consider a minor detail, what will they do with the American Flag? Just add another star? Although I do think the people or Washington D.C. should be represented in congress somehow, I do not approve of them gaining statehood.


  1. i don't think d.c. should be a state. what's the point? if they do feel like making it a state, then they should also make puerto rico a state so there won't be an odd number of stars on the flag.

  2. I agree with you! We have way more problems in this world then worrying about whether or not D.C. should be a state or not.

  3. amen i agree with both of you! ok is there anything that this country wont complain about seriously hmm i dont like those curtains so lets make a controversial debate about them jeez louise so many other things to think of then that!
