Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Nimby Wars" in Forbes Magazine

Today i read an article in Forbes Magazine about a wind mill company wishing to put a plant near some homes, in their "back yards". The people in the town were appalled and did not approve of this and wound up protesting and putting off the building for a year. But after some persuasion attempts and ending in a vote by county members, the wind mill company won and the plant will be built in 2010. I feel bad for the families that live there who will be disturbed by the building and everything. I realize it will create jobs, but I do not see why they need to build it in that exact spot. There are no vacant fields anywhere that would work?


  1. ya i wouldnt want that by my house but you never know that might be better for them economically guess we will have to wait and find out

  2. Where is this place? And what would life be like when the windmill is complete could be interesting. Never know.
    I like that your reading is varied -- both publication and articles.
    Good work.
