Monday, February 9, 2009

Sarah Palin vs. Endangered Animals

Today I read a piece from Mother Jones about Sarah Palin trying to make a case that polar bears and beluga whales should not be put on the endangered species list. From what I read in the article, both populations are dangerously low and not recovering at the moment. Apparently, Palin is worried about the oil companies in the particular area that the whales live in. This makes me wonder if she is solely concerned with the economy and not overly worried about the animals.
Also, the article mentions that Palin used to play basketball at her high school and acquired the nick name Sarah Barracuda". That made me laugh a little bit because the article used the fish reference a few times, making it fairly entertaining. :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Palin cares much about the polar bears. if she won't acknowledge the fact that global warming is going on then why should she care about those most affected by it?
