Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dream Meanings

I read an article in Time Magazine today about people trying to find meaning from their dreams. The person who wrote the article was saying that it was, and I quote, "a dumb" thing to do. I disagree with this. I usually make a lot of connections with my dreams and my real life, and sometimes it even helps me in some areas. Also, I get the feeling of deja vu quite frequently, so my dreams are obviously connected to my waking life. I feel that if people wish to look for symbols or anything else in their dreams it is not a "dumb" thing to do; it's personal choice like everything else.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chimp Attack? AH!!

I was reading an article from Time Magazine about a 70-year-old lady, Sandra Herold, who had raised a chimp along with her family. This chimp was just another member of her family, but one day something snapped, and the chimp turned on a visitor that came to see Sandra. The animal latched onto the woman and basically tore her face apart. Sandra could not get the chimp off of her friend and eventually the police had to shoot it after the animal began to go after one of the policemen. The woman who was mauled is still in critical condition.
Personally, I do not think people in a city should have an exotic animal for a pet. I realize that some dogs can have "mood swings" and attack people as well, but a chimpanzee? Isn't that why they live in jungles? I think it is where they belong, and keeping one hostage in a house was just asking for trouble.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sarah Palin vs. Endangered Animals

Today I read a piece from Mother Jones about Sarah Palin trying to make a case that polar bears and beluga whales should not be put on the endangered species list. From what I read in the article, both populations are dangerously low and not recovering at the moment. Apparently, Palin is worried about the oil companies in the particular area that the whales live in. This makes me wonder if she is solely concerned with the economy and not overly worried about the animals.
Also, the article mentions that Palin used to play basketball at her high school and acquired the nick name Sarah Barracuda". That made me laugh a little bit because the article used the fish reference a few times, making it fairly entertaining. :)