Monday, April 13, 2009

Real Life Pirates?!

I was reading an article in Time today, and it was about the rescue of Richard Phillips, the American ship captain held hostage since by a bunch of Somali PIRATES. I just think it is very interesting that we still have piracy going on in our world. When I was little, I always thought it would be SO cool to be a pirate or even get captured. The movies all made it sound so adventurous, but in real life they are a huge problem around Europe! This just blows my mind that there are people on ships stealing and kidnapping like a childhood movie fantasy. I feel bad and worried for those people who actually stand a risk of being taken or stolen or even killed by pirates, and I truly hope that the countries fighting the war to stop them will come out on top.


  1. Ya when I was little I used to think pirates were really cool!! Now that's just scary to think about all the harm they are causing!! :-(

  2. McKayla -- I've read all your blogs, but will only comment here because I want to submit grades.
    Good work in the blogs! Your reading is varied, your comments succinct and thoughtful. You'll get full points and I wish you well in your career and your life.
